Watercolor beach art

Watercolor beach art

Watercolor beach art

In this article, we will try to draw a seascape.

The description is oriented to beginners, so I try to set out everything in as much detail as possible.

We will need:

  • a sheet of watercolor paper, format A4;
  • watercolor;
  • a squirrel brush, size 5 or 6;
  • a white plate as a palette;
  • HB or B soft pencil;
  • eraser, preferably a soft one, such as Factis;
  • a beaker of water.

Any creativity doesn’t tolerate fuss, so let’s get in the mood for joyful creation!

Imagine a warm summer day, the beach, the sun shining through the clouds, a yacht with snow-white sails rocking gently on the waves in the distance. You feel the whiff of the sea breeze, you feel light and free.

Now that you have traveled to the shore of the sea in your imagination, you can begin.

Drawing a yacht.

I decided to place the picture in a round frame, so I first outlined the border of the drawing.

You can draw the landscape in A4 format or any other size.

Draw the horizon line, mentally divide the sheet into three parts, the lower third will be the horizon line.

Drawing a yacht. A small sailing yacht has two characteristic sails – one large triangular-shaped sail, the other smaller.

Drawing with watercolor on wet paper.

We dilute watercolor in the right colors. I like to use a plate as a palette. We need all shades of blue: ultramarine, cobalt blue, blue. To avoid confusion with the names of the colors, just add to the palette all the blue colors you have in your kit. Also add black, purple, and lemon to the palette. Dilute the black and lemon with water to make a lighter shade.

Start with the sky. Use a wet brush with clean water all over the sky except for the sails, they should stay white, and the watercolor will spread where it is wet. Now apply the light lemon paint with the brush in a band from left to right diagonally. See how the watercolor spreads over the wet paper, creating the effect of a stream of sunlight? Now we need to create the clouds. Mix gray, purple, and blue until you get the color of a heavy rain cloud. I don’t see the point in writing the exact color combination, try to find your cloud color, I’m sure you’ll do fine! Around the lemon color, apply the dark paint with a little indentation, as the paint will spread out on the wet paper.

If you don’t like the way the paint spreads, you can stop the process. Simply swipe with a dry brush, it will absorb the excess water and paint. To dry the brush, you can use paper towels or, even easier, press the brush with your fingers on both sides to squeeze out the excess water.

It is difficult to explain how the paint should flow, experiment, you need to feel it.

Let’s move on to the water. Create a slight ripple. To do this, wet a small piece of paper (such small spots), then use a brush to gently apply a light lemon shade. This creates a glimpse of the water. In the same way, we apply different shades of blue, creating spots. Closer to the horizon we make blotches smaller and lighter, closer to the viewer we increase the size and use more saturated colors. This way you get the volume and the illusion of perspective. Leave unpainted areas, to get white highlights on the water.

Watercolor beach art

Draw in details.

To keep the boat from looking like a flat white spot, you must create shadows on the hull and sails. The small sail is facing the light, so here we use lemon color and for the big sail and hull we use gray. To emphasize the whiteness of the sails, darken the sky behind them slightly. Also darken the sky and water on the edges of the picture, this will create additional contrast and depth.

So, everything is ready! The final touch is left: choose a frame and enjoy the freedom of the sea!

How do you paint watercolors on the beach?

Watercolor painting is a very popular art form. It is a great way to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ocean and sand.
To paint watercolors on the beach, you will need to get some supplies ready. You will need watercolor paints, paper, and brushes. You may also want to bring a small container of water for your paints or purchase a portable water container at the beach.
For any paper you use for this project, it should be on heavy weight paper or canvas. For example: Canson Watercolor Paper Pad or Stonehenge Heavyweight Watercolour Paper Pad.

How do you paint an ocean scene in watercolor?

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If you are looking for a tutorial on how to paint an ocean scene in watercolor, here’s what you need to know.
The first step is to paint the sky and the horizon. The sky is usually painted as a light blue color and the horizon is painted as a dark blue color with a gradient from dark blue at the bottom to lighter blue near the top.
After that, you will want to paint the clouds. Clouds are painted in white or light grey colors with some darker grey or brown colors mixed in for shading.
Next, you will want to start painting in the water. The water is usually painted as an off-white or light tan color but it can also be different shades of blue if your painting has an ocean theme like this one does. You should also use shades of green to paint in the trees and shown buildings.

How much does a water color painting cost?

It all depends on the size, complexity and color of the painting. There are many factors that contribute to the cost of a watercolor painting.
The size is one factor that determines the cost of a watercolor painting. The more expansive the size, the more expensive it will be. A large watercolor painting can cost anywhere from $500- $1000 depending on its complexity and color palette.
The complexity and color palette are also contributing factors to the price of a watercolor painting. More complex pieces will have higher prices than simpler ones because there is more detail involved in their creation. A piece with multiple colors will also be more expensive than one with just two or three colors because it takes more time to paint each individual color.

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